The Crypto Explorer - by Sygnum Bank AG

#17: VCs in Bear Season with David Toh and Luca Burlando

Aliya Das Gupta

Have you ever wondered why crypto projects are valued the way they are? Or how VCs make decisions in a sea of interesting projects? Tune in, as we sit down with David Toh from Mirana Ventures and Luca Burlando from Sygnum Bank to figure out how VCs deploy capital, and how this changes in a bear market. 
We explore questions like:

  1. When considering crypto investments, what are the key factors you consider? 
  2. In what ways do you think these differ from non-crypto investments? 
  3. How do you compare cases for token investments vs equity investments?
  4. There has been some criticism of centralization caused by VCs in the decentralized crypto universe – what are your thoughts on this?
  5. For founders, bear markets are often called build market, how does that impact the investment environment? 
  6. What are red-flags for you, when considering an investment case? 


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